The Bible in a box
Biblios delivers an overview of the Bible course for all styles of learners. The 12 fast-pace sessions include games, activities and short videos. This Bible curriculum is a Biblios adventure: fun, engaging, memorable and accessible for everyone.

What's in the Biblios box?
Open up the world of the Bible through exploring the people, places and times of the Bible.

The Biblios box includes map pieces which participants piece together to make different maps for each session!

The Biblios box includes a comprehensive handbook meaning anyone can host any session for their community without any prior knowledge of the Bible!

The Biblios box includes over 200 cards enabling participants to learn about all the books, the key characters and events in the Bible through games and activities!
What's included in Biblios?
100 x 1 cm wooden blocks to build temples, mark empire boundaries, represent house churches
12 wooden card holders to move cards around the maps
8 double-sided A4 card map pieces to form four different maps: Old Testament Israel, Old Testament Middle East, New Testament Israel, New Testament Mediterranean
floorplans of Moses’ tabernacle and temples to build using the wooden blocks
Daniel’s statue to show the order of the dominant empires
covenant documents to learn about how God relates to humanity
over 200 cards to learn about Bible books, Bible characters, key event cards, dominant empires
larger reference cards to learn about the Bible library and Jesus’ family tree
handbook to provide everything a community needs to know to host the course
Since a dream over 10 years ago, we have travelled from pieces of paper to packs of cards; from material to satellite imagery maps; from our kitchen table to Jerusalem. Biblios is literally a dream come true!

Learn more...

Biblios organises the library of Scripture (the Bible) into well recognised groups...
Biblios organises the library of Scripture (the Bible) into well recognised groups of books, covering these groups in 12 sessions. Each session begins and ends with general games to learn about the Bible books and the key people. Each session also includes 3 short videos, readings, map, timeline and other session-specific activities and games.

Each session includes three short videos, filmed in various locations in Israel and Rome...
Each session includes three short videos, filmed in various locations in Israel and Rome. These videos set the scene for the books and help explain some key themes.

How to host
Anyone who is enthusiastic can host Biblios. Hosting Biblios requires no prior knowledge of the Bible...
Anyone who is enthusiastic can host Biblios. Hosting Biblios requires no prior knowledge of the Bible. The culture of Biblios is that we are all learners and we are all contributors. The comprehensive handbook includes an easy to read breakdown of each of the 12 sessions, with accompanying notes for the host. The handbook also includes descriptions of all the games and activities, and extra reference material.

For me, the Bible was a bit like a piece of flat pack furniture … lots of beautiful bits but all in a heap, and some parts that I had no idea what they were for! Biblios helped me to assemble all the pieces. So what I have now is not only beautiful but extremely practical.

I am a single parent and am also dyslexic. I’ve ‘fumbled’ my way through the Bible. Since doing the Biblios, I have found a new and amazing road map to life. The Bible. The Biblios course is interactive, fun, full of wisdom and a solid foundation.

Biblios is a highly enjoyable way for small groups to explore the library of books that we have come to call the Bible.

With Biblios I have had a chance to play games, learn from watching videos, show my acting skills and do different activities… I didn’t know studying the Bible could be so much fun! Biblios is the future.

Biblios really brought the Bible to life for me. It was fun and engaging way of learning about how it all fits together. It de-mystified the Old Testament for me... I feel much more confident reading the Bible.

Equipping every community in the Bible
The invitation is intimacy with God. If we all grasped this, the world’s problems would be resolved: we would experience heaven on earth. We have done all the hard work so that any community can go on the journey into that liberating reality together.
Price of Biblios Adventure £100
Frequently asked questions...
Is Biblios suitable for families, children and youth groups?
Yes – with the following caveat! All the games and activities are suitable for older children about 10 years old upwards. However, the short videos are designed for adults both in terms of style and content. If parents or youth pastors would like to go through Biblios together with 13 year olds and younger, we suggest becoming familiar with the video clips and Bible readings for the session, and adapting them for the younger people involved. For example, this could involve the group watching a couple of minutes of the video clip to show the location; and reading one small section of the recommended Bible reading together. If this approach is a viable option for parents or youth pastors, we would not hesitate to recommend Biblios as fun, highly accessible way for younger people to absorb the whole Bible easily.
I have some new card games ideas...
Yes please! We have designed the cards with Biblios participants thinking up new games in mind! Please let us know if your community comes up with new ways to use the cards to help learn the content. We would love to hear from you. We want the Biblios adventure to grow out of your inspired ideas!
Does Biblios contain time for discussion?
Biblios is a fast-paced overview of the Bible course, covering the whole Bible in 12 sessions. There is no time assigned for discussion in the breakdown of the session timings in the handbook. Individual communities are free to discuss anything whenever they like, if they are happy to lengthen the time taken to complete the course!
How do I access the videos?
When you buy the Biblios box you will be given a member’s login which means you can access any of the videos whenever you like.
How prescriptive is Biblios?
Biblios is as prescriptive as your group needs it to be! For those who have no prior knowledge of the Bible, and want to get their heads around it in 3 months – we have done all the work for you. You just have to work through the sessions as laid out in the handbook. For those who feel their group has slightly different needs (eg, more or less time, or more or less games playing, etc.), please feel completely free to use the resources in any way which works best for your community. The Biblios adventure is all about empowering each of us to be learners and contributors in our contexts!
How long does the Biblios box last?
We have designed every piece of the Biblios box with longevity in mind. If the kit is handled well, we anticipate that it can be used for many years, before it would need to be replaced.
Can Biblios be used pastorally?
Biblios is primarily designed for a community to go through the Bible together in 12 weeks. It is not a pastoral tool. However, the Bible addresses the human condition: as a result, deeply personal pastoral concerns may arise during the course. The community can decide before hand how they want to handle these: it may be that individuals have a mentor, spiritual director or counsellor outside the course, who they can process these concerns with.
Can I buy pieces of the kit separately, eg the packs of cards?
At present we are selling Biblios as one integrated product, as every part of the kit connects in multiple ways with other parts of the kit! For this reason, we are currently not selling pieces of the kit individually.
I have lost or damaged a piece...
Please get in touch if you have lost or damaged a card, or other piece of kit and we will replace it for you.
I have spotted an error with the material...
This is really helpful. Thank you. Whilst we have tried to iron out as many mistakes as possible, we are a small start-up so we have decided to aim for excellence over perfection, and appreciate any feedback which will help improve Biblios. Please email us.
We have finished running our first course, and we want to run another one. Where do we go to get new copies of the one-off documents that we completed as part of the first course?
The Covenant, 10 Commandments and Revelation letters documents are all available to print through the 'print out' link under the list of Sessions on the Members page.